Friday, August 3, 2007

Wrath of The Lich King

Simply Amazing.

If you are into Warcraft Lore as much as I am, then WoTLK is nothing short of expected. The idea of waltzing in and chillin with Arthas himself...

From what I have seen so far, Blizzard has again proven their worth. A vast new land with breathtaking views and tons of new content, and my favorite part...The Death Knight. I should be returned from deployment when WoTLK is released, I plan on being one of the first on my server with a Death Knight.

Some other notable changes:

-Changeable hairstyles for existing characters
-Level cap raised to 80 (Get used to it)
-Flying mounts to all of Azeroth (I haven't found anything solid on this yet)

Anyway...The WoTLK site is now live on, so get on over there and check it out.


Jagoex said...

G, check Nikki's blog. You guys have very different opinions on an expansion that'll undoubtedly do well, no matter what the populace thinks of it.

Jesika said...

havent seen you around in a bit. miss ya and hope things are well.

im wowless atm. >.>